By Laws & Policies
A non-profit all about the kids...
As a State of Maine governed 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, WOYFCA is held to certain rules and regulations in order to maintain our status. We have adapted strict Bylaws and Policies/Procedures that are meant to keep the safety of our athletes (mental & physical) first and foremost within our organization. These "rules" apply not just to the board of directors and coaching staff, but to ALL parents/guardians and athletes involved in our programs.
We are also associated with the Southern Maine Youth Football League (S.M.Y.F.L.) who creates appropriate age & weight standards and manages our schedules with other teams in our league. To stay within this league, we must follow their bylaws, as well.
For more information on all of our league's rules, please review the appropriate document(s) below:
W.O.Y.F.C.A. Policies & Procedures
S.M.Y.F.L. Coaches Code of Ethics
Refund Policy: Full refund (-processing fee) if before first practice, 50% refund (-processing fee) before first game. No refund after first game.