Wells-Ogunquit Youth Football & Cheering [Change Organization]
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Tackle Football

Welcome to Warrior Football!

It’s not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference." — Bear Bryant

Typically, after participating in our Flag Football Program, athletes advance into our Tackle programs. We present our Tackle programs on three age levels: Mighty Mite for for grades 3-4, Pee Wee for grades 5-6, and Jr. High Football for grades 7-8.

All levels teach the safest form of tackling, expand players' skills and play book knowledge, and increase the player's athleticism through warm-up and conditioning tailored for the needs of football. With a winning record at the end of the season, teams have the  opportunity to compete in division playoffs and championships.

Winning is not everything, but striving to win is.— Vince Lombardi

Any questions or concerns please email us: woyfca1@gmail.com 

Active Seasons

Program SeasonLast Date Before Late FeeLast Date to RegisterAction
Tackle Football2025 Skills Clinics N/A 2025-08-01Go!

This is a Lite Registration and does not require a Family Account or login.


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